Employee Services - Re-employment and Re-training
The Career Mobility Office (CMO), works with State agencies who want to develop retraining programs that will give their employees career mobility options.
The CMO also assists State agency personnel with the redeployment of employees affected by reductions-in-force or reassignment.
The CMO can work with agency personnel and program staff to identify current and future workforce needs and assist them with associated retraining. The CMO's role may include researching a job description, job qualifications, retraining needs, appointment mechanisms and avenues of funding. The CMO can also draft a training proposal and assist in implementing and monitoring of the retraining program
The CMO manages all mandatory reemployment lists: Agency Reduction Transfer List (ARTL), Preferred List and Reemployment Roster. These lists are implemented when an agency is experiencing a reduction-in-force (RIF) or a closure. As needed, the CMO will meet with agency personnel to discuss each of the lists and how they are to be used.
The CMO will also meet with the at-risk employees to discuss their options related to the mandatory reemployment lists and will provide assistance to employees in finding alternative employment opportunities.
If you need any assistance with retraining or redeployment contact the CMO via:
For information pertaining to Reduction in Force please visit the Department of Civil Service's Reduction in Force webpage.
Upon agency request the CMO will conduct workshops for trainings on Understanding the Merit System, Resume Preparation, and Preparing for an Interview. These trainings give employees the information and skills that will help them to develop and implement a career plan. For more information visit the Trainings webpage.