Division of the Budget in albany County

Titles included in the NY HELPS program will clearly be identified.

Location: Albany


63 titles at this location.

Approximately 663 positions* at this location.

NYS Division of the Budget
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

Check Google Maps for directions.

The Department of Civil Service is not responsible for the software listed above or your use of it. The link above is provided for your convenience and does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the software or companies.

* The number of approximate positions in GOT-IT are the total positions, both filled and vacant.

Agency Titles

Admnv Assistant 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 11 - Approximately 28 positions

Admnv Assistant 2

Grade 15 - Approximately 15 positions

Admnv Officer 5

Grade M-4 - Approximately 1 position

Admnv Officer 6

Grade M-5 - Approximately 1 position

Admnv Specialist 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 16 positions

Assnt Chief Budget Examiner

Grade M-5 - Approximately 19 positions

Assnt Office Services Manager - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position

Assoc Attorney

Grade M-3 - Approximately 2 positions

Assoc Budget Examiner

Grade M-2 - Approximately 67 positions

Assoc Dir Human Resources 1

Grade M-1 - Approximately 2 positions

Assoc Dir Human Resources 2

Grade M-2 - Approximately 1 position

Assoc Economist

Grade 23 - Approximately 3 positions

Assoc Fiscal Policy Analyst

Grade M-2 - Approximately 6 positions

Budget Examiner - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 75 positions

Budget Fellow

Grade NS - Approximately 67 positions

Business Systems Analyst 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 2 positions

Business Systems Analyst 2 - NY HELPS

Grade 23 - Approximately 2 positions

Chief Budget Examiner

Grade M-8 - Approximately 12 positions

Contract Management Specialis… - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position

Contract Management Specialis…

Grade 23 - Approximately 2 positions

Coord Budget Publications

Grade 20 - Approximately 1 position

Coord Federal Relations

Grade M-5 - Approximately 1 position

Data Analyst 1

Grade 18 - Approximately 6 positions

Data Analyst 2

Grade 23 - Approximately 6 positions

Data Analyst 3

Grade M-2 - Approximately 2 positions

Data Analyst 4

Grade M-4 - Approximately 1 position

Deputy Chief Budget Examiner

Grade M-7 - Approximately 2 positions

Dir Financial Admn 1

Grade M-1 - Approximately 1 position

Dir Human Resources 2

Grade M-2 - Approximately 1 position

Dir Human Resources 3

Grade M-3 - Approximately 1 position

Fiscal Policy Analyst

Grade 18 - Approximately 4 positions

Graphic Designer 1

Grade 14 - Approximately 1 position

Head Account Clerk

Grade 18 - Approximately 2 positions

Head Clerk

Grade 17 - Approximately 4 positions

Human Resources Specialist 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 4 positions

Human Resources Specialist 2

Grade 23 - Approximately 2 positions

Office Assnt 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 06 - Approximately 6 positions

Office Assnt 1 Keyboarding - NY HELPS

Grade 06 - Approximately 7 positions

Office Assnt 1 Stores/Mail - NY HELPS

Grade 06 - Approximately 6 positions

Office Assnt 2 - NY HELPS

Grade 09 - Approximately 4 positions

Office Assnt 2 Calculations - NY HELPS

Grade 09 - Approximately 6 positions

Office Assnt 2 Keyboarding - NY HELPS

Grade 09 - Approximately 7 positions

Office Assnt 2 Stores/Mail - NY HELPS

Grade 09 - Approximately 3 positions

Office Assnt 3

Grade 14 - Approximately 7 positions

Office Assnt 3 Calculations

Grade 14 - Approximately 5 positions

Office Assnt 3 Human Resources

Grade 14 - Approximately 1 position

Office Srvs Manager

Grade 23 - Approximately 1 position

Prin Budget Examiner

Grade M-4 - Approximately 40 positions

Prin Economist

Grade M-2 - Approximately 1 position

Prin Fiscal Policy Analyst

Grade M-4 - Approximately 3 positions

Program Aide - NY HELPS

Grade 13 - Approximately 17 positions

Project Manager 3

Grade M-1 - Approximately 1 position

Senr Accountant - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 2 positions

Senr Attorney - NY HELPS

Grade M-1 - Approximately 2 positions

Senr Budget Examiner

Grade 23 - Approximately 98 positions

Senr Budget Examiner

Grade NS - Approximately 12 positions

Senr Economist - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 3 positions

Senr Fiscal Policy Analyst

Grade 23 - Approximately 8 positions

Stores & Mail Operations Supe…

Grade 12 - Approximately 3 positions

Student Assnt

Grade NS - Approximately 55 positions

Supply Assnt

Grade 04 - Approximately 1 position

Supvg Attorney

Grade M-4 - Approximately 1 position

Training Specialist 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position