Positions by County - Assoc Dir Human Resources 4
County | Location Name | Agency | Agency Name | Total No. of Positions |
Albany County | Albany | 10160 | Corrections and Community Supervision, Dept of | 1 |
Albany County | Albany | 12000 | Health, Department of | 1 |
Albany County | Albany | 01110 | Information Technology Services, Office of | 1 |
Albany County | Albany | 50000 | Mental Health, Office of | 2 |
Albany County | Albany | 51000 | OPWDD People W Dev Disab, Office for | 2 |
Albany County | Albany | 20010 | Taxation and Finance, Dept of | 1 |
Albany County | Albany | 17000 | Transportation, Department of | 1 |
Total for: Assoc Dir Human Resources 4 | 9 |