Positions by County - Senr Motor Vehicle Referee

County Location Name Agency Agency Name Total No. of Positions
Albany County Albany 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 6
Bronx County Bronx 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
Erie County Buffalo 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
Kings County Brooklyn 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
Kings County Coney Island 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
Nassau County Garden City 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
New York County Harlem 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
New York County New York City - Manhattan 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
Queens County Sringfield Gardens 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
Queens County Whitestone 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
Richmond County Staten Island 23000 Motor Vehicles, Department of 1
Total for: Senr Motor Vehicle Referee 16