-- All Agencies --
Div of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
Adirondack Park Agency
Aging, Office for the
Agriculture & Markets, Dept of
Albany,State University at
Albion Cor Facility
Alcohol & Subst Abuse Svs,Off of
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
Alcoholism Treatment Centers
Alfred,Coll of Technology at
Altona Cor Facility
Arthur Kill Cor Facility
Arts, Council On The
Attica Cor Facility
Auburn Cor Facility
Authorities Budget Office
Banking, Department of
Bare Hill Cor Facility
Bayview Cor Facility
Beacon Cor Facility
Bedford Hills Cor Facility
Bernard Fineson DDSO
Binghamton Childrens Service
Binghamton Psych Center
Binghamton,State University at
Bridge Authority
Brockport State College
Bronx Psych Center
Bronx Psych Center for C&Y
Brooklyn Childrens Psych Center
Brooklyn DDSO
Brooklyn,Health Science Ctr at
Broome DDSO
Budget,Division of the
Buffalo Psych Center
Buffalo State College
Buffalo,State University at
Butler Cor Facility
Camp Adirondack
Camp Monterey
Canal Corporation
Cannabis Management, Office of
Canton,Coll of Technology at
Cape Vincent Cor Facility
Capital District Child & Youth Sv
Capital District DDSO
Capital District Psych Center
Cayuga Cor Facility
Central NY DDSO
Central New York Psych Center
Chateaugay ASACTC
Children&Family Svcs,Off of
Civil Service, Department of
Clinton Cor Facility
Cobleskill,Coll of Ag&Techn at
Collins Cor Facility
Comm Qual Care & Advoc for Pers W Disab
Comptroller,Office of
Cor Trainees
Correction, Commission of
Correctional Services, Department of
Cortland State College
Coxsackie Cor Facility
Creedmoor Psych Center
Crime Victims Board
Criminal Justice Services, Div of
DOCCS Community Supervision
DOCCS Parole Board
Delhi,Coll of Technology at
Downstate Cor Facility
Eastern NY Cor Facility
Economic Development, Dept of
Edgecombe Cor Facility
Education Department, Special
Education, Dept of
Elections, Board of
Elmira Childrens Services
Elmira Cor & Reception Center
Elmira Psych Center
Empire State College
Employee Relations, Office Of
Environ Scienc & Forest, Col of
Environmental Conservatn,Dept of
Executive Chamber
Farmingdale,Coll of Tchnlgy at
Financial Control Board For NYC
Financial Services, Department of
Finger Lakes DDSO
Fishkill Cor Facility
Five Points Cor Facility
Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation
Franklin Cor Facility
Fredonia State College
General Services, Office Of
Geneseo State College
Gouverneur Cor Facility
Govs Judicial Nomin Committee
Gowanda Cor Facility
Great Meadow Cor Facility
Green Haven Cor Facility
Greene Cor Facility
Groveland Cor Facility
Hale Creek ASACTC
Health,Department of
Helen Hayes Hospital
Higher Education Services Corp
Housing & Comm Renewal,Div of
Housing Finance Agency
Hudson Cor Facility
Hudson River Psych Center
Hudson Valley DDSO
Human Rights, Division of
Hutchings Childrens Service
Inst for Research In Dev Disab
Insurance, Department of
Justice Center
Kingsboro Psych Center
Kirby Forensic Psych Center
Labor Management Committee
Labor, Department of
Lake George Park Comm
Lakeview Cor Facility
Law, Department of
Lieutenant Governor,Office of the
Lincoln Cor Facility
Livingston Cor Facility
Long Island DDSO
Lottery, Division of
Manhattan Psych Center
Marcy Cor Facility
Maritime College
Med Fraud Contrl,Dep Att Gen for
Mental Health, Office of
Mid Hudson Psych Center
Mid-State Cor Facility
Military&Naval Affairs,Div of
Mohawk Cor Facility
Mohawk Valley Child & Youth
Mohawk Valley Psych Center
Moriah Cor Facility
Morrisville,Coll of Ag&Tech at
Motor Vehicles, Department of
Mount Mcgregor Cor Facility
NYC Central Administration
NYS Psychiatric Institute
Nathan Kline Institute
New Paltz State College
Office for People with Developmental Disabilities
Office of Medicaid Inspector General
Ogdensburg Cor Facility
Old Westbury College
Optometry,College of
Orleans Cor Facility
Oswego State College
Otisville Cor Facility
P& R Long Island Park-Special
P& R Palisades-Special
P&R Allegany Park Comm
P&R Allegany-Special
P&R Central NY Park Comm
P&R Central NY-Special
P&R Comm for City of NY-Spec
P&R Finger Lakes Park Comm
P&R Finger Lakes-Special
P&R Genesee
P&R Genesee-Special
P&R Long Island Park Comm
P&R Niagara Frontier Park Comm
P&R Niagara-Special
P&R Office Of -Special
P&R Palisades Park Comm
P&R Parks and Rec,Office of
P&R Sarat/Cap Dist-Special
P&R Saratoga/CapDist Pk Com
P&R Taconic Park Comm
P&R Taconic-Special
P&R Thousand Islands Park Comm
P&R Thousand Islands-Special
Park Commission For the City Of N Y
Parole,Division of
Pilgrim Psych Center
Plattsburgh State College
Potsdam State College
Prevnt of Domest Violnce,Off of
Prob&Corr Alternatives,Div of
Public Employment Relations Brd
Public Integrity, Com on
Public Service, Department of
Queens Psych Center for C&Y
Queensboro Cor Facility
R H Hutchings Psych Center
Racing And Wagering Board
Real Property Services,Office of
Renewable Energy Siting, Office of
Riverview Cor Facility
Rochester Childrens Service
Rochester Cor Facility
Rochester Psych Center
Rockland Psych Center
Rockland Psych Center for C&Y
SUNY Administration
SUNY At Purchase
SUNY Oneonta
Sagamore Psych Center for C&Y
School for the Blind
School for the Deaf
Shawangunk Cor Facility
Sing Sing Cor Facility
South Beach Childrens Services
South Beach Psych Center
Southport Cor Facility
St Lawrence Childrens Service
St Lawrence PsychiCenter
State Emergency Management Office
State Inspector General,Off of
State Insurance Fund
State Police, Division Of
State, Department of
Staten Island DDSO
Statewide Financial System
Statewide Wireless Network
Stony Brook,State University at
Sullivan Cor Facility
Sunmount DDSO
Taconic Cor Facility
Taconic DDSO
Tax Appeals,Division of
Taxation and Finance,Dept of
Teachers Retirement System
Technology,Office for
Technology,SUNY College of
Temp&Disability Asst,Office of
Thruway Authority
Transportation - Region 1
Transportation - Region 10
Transportation - Region 11
Transportation - Region 2
Transportation - Region 3
Transportation - Region 4
Transportation - Region 5
Transportation - Region 6
Transportation - Region 7
Transportation - Region 8
Transportation - Region 9
Transportation, Department of
Ulster Cor Facility
Upstate Cor Facility
Upstate Medical Center, SUNY
Veterans Affairs, Division Of
Veterans Home At Batavia
Veterans Home At Montrose
Veterans Home At Oxford
Veterans Home at NYC
Wallkill Cor Facility
Washington Cor Facility
Washington Heights Unit
Watertown Cor Facility
Welfare Inspector Gen,Off of
Wende Cor Facility
Western NY Childrens Psych Cen
Western NY DDSO
Willard Drug Treatment Campus
Woodbourne Cor Facility
Workers Compensation Board
Wyoming Cor Facility