Dental Assnt - Grade 08

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This title exists within Various New York State Agencies and has approximately 229 positions statewide.

*The number of positions is approximate and represents the number of positions established (both filled and vacant); it is not an indication or reference to position type or duration, or intent to be filled.

Career Ladder

A listing of titles that are most commonly used as steps for upward mobility for this title series.

Salary Information for Dental Assnt
Title Grade Hiring Rate/yr Job Rate/yr
Dental Assnt 08 $39,215 $48,294
Dental Assnt Manual Communications 08 $39,215 $48,294
Senr Dental Assnt 10 $43,768 $53,708

All salary grades for trainees titles are Non-Statutory (NS) equated to the salary grade identified. These grade equations apply to the starting salaries in their respective salary schedule for the traineeship levels.

This title may exist in more than one negotiating unit. This salary schedule represents the most typical salary for this title. Click here to view additional salary information regarding the various bargaining units.

An individual's final salary is determined by the Office of the State Comptroller. This salary schedule does not reflect any Special Salary Treatments

Job Duties

As a Dental Assistant, you would:

Perform dental supportive services under a licensed dentist's direct supervision.

Note treatments to be performed during appointment and prepare work area by laying out dental instruments, materials, and equipment in proper array.

Prepare the patient for treatment by seating patient, obtaining records, and applying protective garb.

During the performance of treatment services by the dentist, assist the dentist directly chair-side with the anticipation of procedural needs, including the preparation and passing of appropriate instruments and materials.

As required by the progress of events in treatment and as instructed by the dentist, personally perform retractions of the patient's tongue and cheek, and manipulate syringes, irrigation and suction equipment to keep the patient's mouth free of saliva and blood.

Continually observe patient's general condition during treatment, including oral surgery, to detect evidence of distress or shock and reports observations to dentist.

Take dental x-rays in accordance with Public Health Law.

Perform solely mechanical work upon inert matter in a dental office, such as trimming or mounting impressions taken by the dentist.

Perform office support and clerical work to meet the requirements of the dental facility.

Schedule, post and track appointments, clinic dates and times, and treatments using appropriate computer software.

Post and file records, such as records of appointments and clinical records of patients conditions and treatments administered, in accordance with requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Answer questions from and provide information to various parties regarding facility activities and procedures.

Prepare or assist others in the preparation of routine dental reports.

Perform light housekeeping tasks following current infection control and OSHA guidelines.

Decontaminate, scrub, package, and sterilize all instruments*.

Inventory packages and cartons of dental supplies and materials and reorder supplies as directed by the dentist to maintain sufficient inventory for facility operations.

Dispose of used materials and supplies in accordance with medical-waste disposal regulations and protocols, and processes contaminated non-disposable items as directed by the dentist.

Clean, dust, and polish fixtures, furniture, and equipment in the dental facility.

*Incumbents of positions that perform sterilization duties may be required to possess current certification by a nationally accredited central sterile technician credentialing organization as a Certified Registered Central Service Technician, or a substantially equivalent credential.

View the classification standard for this title which illustrates the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe.

Summary of Minimum Qualifications

Please note: qualifications for this position may be subject to change. If substitutions for education and/or experience are allowed, this information would be available on the announcement.

This title is non-competitive.  No examination is necessary.  However, you must still meet the Minimum Qualifications of the position.

Candidates must have a High School diploma; AND either one year of experience in dental assisting or graduation from an accredited program in dental assisting.

How to Apply

An examination is not used to fill this title. You must meet the minimum qualifications of the title in order to be considered for this position. You must apply directly to the agency or agencies that have this title.

Mobility Options

Career mobility is not just limited to the titles in the career ladder. Additional movement may be achieved through transfer or other examinations.

For additional information or clarification of transfer determinations, current State employees should contact the Career Mobility Office at (518) 485-6199 or (800) 553-1322.

You can also visit ELMS Online to view established open-competitive, promotion, and transition eligible lists.