Forest Ranger 1 - Grade 14
GOT-IT does not provide information on any job postings or job availability. For information on current job postings, please visit StateJobsNY. You may also visit specific New York State Agency websites for information about an agency and its job opportunities.
This title exists in Environmental Conservation, Dept of and has approximately 166 positions.
*The number of positions is approximate and represents the number of positions established (both filled and vacant); it is not an indication or reference to position type or duration, or intent to be filled.
Career Ladder
A listing of titles that are most commonly used as steps for upward mobility for this title series.
Title | Grade | Hiring Rate/yr | Job Rate/yr |
Assnt Forest Ranger | 08 | $43,265 | $53,477 |
Forest Ranger 1 | 14 | $39,358 | $48,160 |
Forest Ranger 2 | 17 | $46,170 | $56,244 |
Forest Ranger 3 | 20 | $48,389 | $59,273 |
Assnt Dir Forest Ranger Services | 62 | $100,845 | $127,474 |
Dir Forest Ranger Services | 64 | $123,793 | $156,224 |
All salary grades for trainees titles are Non-Statutory (NS) equated to the salary grade identified. These grade equations apply to the starting salaries in their respective salary schedule for the traineeship levels.
This title may exist in more than one negotiating unit. This salary schedule represents the most typical salary for this title. Click here to view additional salary information regarding the various bargaining units.
An individual's final salary is determined by the Office of the State Comptroller. This salary schedule does not reflect any Special Salary Treatments
Job Duties
As a Forest Ranger 1, you would be required to participate in a formal residential training program lasting approximately 26 weeks. Upon successful completion, you would work in an assigned patrol area, and elsewhere throughout the state for emergencies and special assignments. You would be required to work out of your home and the location of your residence must comply with current Division residency requirements. Forest Rangers perform a wide variety of duties related to overseeing the care, custody, and control of DEC administered lands and as such will be required to be engaged in extensive foot, bike, canoe, boat, snowshoe, or ski patrol on assigned state land areas. The care, custody and control of state land also requires that Forest Rangers will routinely interact and assist DEC land managers to help them best manage state lands and public use.
As a Forest Ranger 1, you would be a sworn Police Officer, authorized to investigate complaints and enforce provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) and other state laws to protect the State's lands, other natural resources, and the people who use them. You would be required to carry firearms and complete necessary annual training for State certification. Forest Rangers conduct search and rescue operations for lost or injured persons throughout New York State; conduct wildland fire management operations including wildfire suppression in New York State and when requested for national firefighting efforts; and coordinate and assist in incident response efforts to natural and manmade emergencies and disasters. Forest Rangers educate the public concerning the proper use of public lands and resources; visit schools, fire departments, and organizations to promote resource protection; teach national and state-certified courses to other agencies, volunteer groups, and fire departments concerning search and rescue, wildland fire suppression, and wilderness safety and etiquette; and foster and develop volunteer assistance from the local communities to support the Department's wildland firefighting and search operations. At times you will be expected to work weekends, holidays, and long irregular hours. You may also directly supervise volunteers and seasonal Assistant Forest Rangers and Wildland Firefighters.
View the classification standard for this title which illustrates the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe.
Summary of Minimum Qualifications
Please note: qualifications for this position may be subject to change. If substitutions for education and/or experience are allowed, this information would be available on the announcement.
You must take and pass an examination in order to be considered for this position.
On or before the date of the examination, you must have:
Either 1: an associate or higher-level degree in aquatic biology, conservation biology, environmental biology, wildlife biology, environmental and natural resource conservation, environmental engineering, fisheries and fisheries sciences and management, fish and wildlife technology, aquatic and fisheries science, forestry, forest engineering, forest management, forest resource management, forest resources production and management, forest sciences and biology, forest technology, land surveying technology, natural resource management, natural resources management and policy, wildlife science, wildlife fish and wildlands science and management, or any other associate or higher-level degree program accredited by the Society of American Foresters;
Or 2: 60 college semester credit hours or higher including or supplemented by 24 college semester credit hours in coursework as described below;*
Or 3: two years of active United States military service with an honorable discharge or under conditions in the New York State Restoration of Honor Act AND two years of qualifying experience in forest management, fish and wildlife management, forest, fish, or wildlife interpretation in a wildland setting, or law enforcement in a park, forest, or wildland setting.**
*For the purpose of this examination, qualifying coursework includes: forestry, forest management, forest recreation, forest resources technology, forest fire management, forest engineering, environmental engineering, environmental education, fish or wildlife biology, fish or wildlife management, conservation biology, botany, zoology, limnology, ecology, environmental biology, environmental and natural resource conservation, forest science and biology, and natural resource management.
Coursework that will not qualify for the purposes of this exam includes but is NOT limited to: animal science, anthropology, archeology, astronomy, chemistry, climatology, earth science, engineering (except environmental or forest), geology, human biology, mathematics, medical biology, physics, social sciences, or space science.
**Examples of experience that will NOT qualify are but not limited to: animal husbandry, lawn mowing, landscaping, tree and brush trimming, timber harvesting, pesticide application, sawing firewood, farm hand and other types of experience that are categorized as laborer or maintenance work in a garden shop, park, or forestry setting.
For informational purposes only, click on the examination number(s) listed below to see the current or previous examination(s) that are used to fill this title.
21-050010Please note: qualifications for this position may be subject to change. Job postings on StateJobsNY will contain the most up-to-date qualifications.
How to Apply
When this examination is scheduled to be held, the announcement can be found on the Department of Civil Service, Examination Announcements web page. If you do not see an examination currently scheduled please check back on a monthly basis or sign up for email notification so that you will automatically be notified when new examinations are being offered.
Mobility Options
Career mobility is not just limited to the titles in the career ladder. Additional movement may be achieved through transfer or other examinations.
For additional information or clarification of transfer determinations, current State employees should contact the Career Mobility Office at (518) 485-6199 or (800) 553-1322.
You can also visit ELMS Online to view established open-competitive, promotion, and transition eligible lists.