Regional Director Transportation 3 - Grade 67

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This title exists in Transportation, Dept of and has approximately 5 positions.

*The number of positions is approximate and represents the number of positions established (both filled and vacant); it is not an indication or reference to position type or duration, or intent to be filled.

Career Ladder

A listing of titles that are most commonly used as steps for upward mobility for this title series.

Salary Information for Regional Director Transportation 1
Title Grade Hiring Rate/yr Job Rate/yr
Regional Director Transportation 1 65 $137,457 $173,664
Regional Director Transportation 2 66 $152,191 $191,427
Regional Director Transportation 3 67 $167,754 $207,762

All salary grades for trainees titles are Non-Statutory (NS) equated to the salary grade identified. These grade equations apply to the starting salaries in their respective salary schedule for the traineeship levels.

This title may exist in more than one negotiating unit. This salary schedule represents the most typical salary for this title. Click here to view additional salary information regarding the various bargaining units.

An individual's final salary is determined by the Office of the State Comptroller. This salary schedule does not reflect any Special Salary Treatments

Job Duties

As a Regional Director Transportation 3, you would:

Direct regions with significant numbers of major or sensitive projects that may involve multiple states or other jurisdictions in locations with high populations and correspondingly large transportation needs and multiple transportation modes; may advise Regional Directors Transportation 1 or 2.

Plan, direct, and manage the work of the Department of Transportation in a regional office.

Oversee the safe operations of the Transportation System, the administration of the Highway Safety Improvement Program, snow and ice activities, operation of Transportation Management Centers, and coordination of safety related efforts with outside agencies such as the New York State Police, authorities, and local municipalities.

Direct the repair of State highways, including bridges, traffic signals, signs, and rights of way as required to maintain the transportation system as allowed within available resources and appropriations.

Oversee any activities as required to operate and maintain regional maintenance facilities and equipment, as appropriate, and ensures the effective implementation of Emergency Transportation Operations, including a fully developed Incident Command System structure and organization, to respond to natural and man-made disasters.

Ensure regional work environments are free from identifiable and correctable safety and health hazards, and that employees are aware of, understand and adhere to applicable safety policies and practices.  Coordinate regional responses to fire, medical, and other emergencies that may affect employee health and safety.

Manage the delivery of the Region's transportation projects to achieve Department goals and objectives within budgeted resources and consistent with the Department's Internal Control System.

Coordinate with local governments, mass transit, port, aviation and other agencies, organizations, and public authorities, performing transportation systems planning.  

Develop, monitor, and adjust the program to achieve Department goals in accordance with accepted Performance and Asset Management principles.

Hold public meetings to inform the public of transportation project planning, design, construction or maintenance issues, in accordance with Sections 10(14) and 17 of the Highway Law.

Represent the Commissioner and the Department within the region, and on behalf of the Commissioner and the Department by serving as a liaison with State and federal agencies, organizations, municipalities, elected officials and the media for all matters relating to the delivery of the Capital Program.

Sign any permits required to deliver projects and services within the region, including United States Army Corps of Engineers permits relating to the placement of dredge and fill materials in waters of the United States, within the jurisdiction of the region.

Sign permits required to maintain and operate the transportation system, including highway work permits.

Enter into and/or sign for any project or function within the region such as any consent order, stipulation of discontinuance, or any Department of Environmental Conservation, or other State or local agency, permits.

Participate in developing, managing, and updating the Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO) Long Range Plans, the Transportation Improvement Program, and the Unified Public Work Program.

As delegated by Official Orders of the Department or otherwise directed, grants approvals for program approvals that include the authorization to proceed with project scoping, Design Phases I-IV and V-VI and contract letting.

Issue project management documents approvals including cost, scope, schedule and quality agreements, and amendments thereto and project technical documents such as the initial project proposals and expanded project proposals.

Issue design-related approvals in accordance with the Design Procedure Manual, as amended.

Issue project decisions and notifications within the Region, except as prohibited for federal-aid projects by current agreements with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or otherwise negotiated for projects, designated to be of statewide significance that also include design document approvals that consist of design reports, authorize right of way acquisition, plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&Es), and the notification of municipalities at least 60 days before beginning construction that would change a highway course or width within the municipality pursuant to Section 14(15-a) of the Transportation Law.

Issue environmental determinations pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act for projects or functions within the jurisdiction of their respective Region.

Administer construction, consultant, and other contracts as provided for in the Department's contract documents, standard specifications, Manual for Uniform Recordkeeping, Highway Design Manual, Civil Rights Bureau directives and other sources that includes initiating and removing restrictions on highway use.

Permit contractors to start work late.

Approve subcontractors.

Monitor contractors performance.

Certify (or withhold) payments.

Assess engineering changes and damages.

Prepare monthly civil rights reports and the annual Equal Employment Opportunity Report as required by the Federal Highway Administration.

Recommend approval of Case II bids, partial payments, time extensions, contract acceptance, orders on contract and uncompleted work agreements as directed.

Recommends and transmits the contract approving authority specified in Official Order Numbers 1583 and 1615 or its successor agreements between the Department and a municipality for the municipality to accept maintenance responsibility of a non-State highway on the federal-aid system, upon completion of a State construction or reconstruction contract.

Issue and sign show cause notices to contractors who fail to comply with contractual civil rights requirements.

Direct inspections, postings of bridge weight limits and bridge closings for State and local bridges and culverts in the Region, as required by Sections 232, 233, and 234 of the Highway Law.

Establish temporary speed limits in highway work areas, in accordance with Part 164 of Title 17 NY Codes, Rules and Regulations.

With the approval of the Department's General Counsel, enter into and sign, memoranda of understanding and agreements having similar force and effect with federal, State, and local agencies where such memoranda or other agreements relate to a project or function solely within the jurisdiction of the respective Region; and exercises and performs all of the Commissioner's powers and duties related to the issuance of Certificates of Necessity, pursuant to Section 171 of the Highway Law, whenever land which is to be dedicated to a town for highway purposes does not meet a minimum width requirement.

In the event of a natural or technological disaster Regional Directors:  

Immediately notify the Assistant Commissioner for the Operations and Asset Management Division and, as needed, the Executive Deputy Commissioner, and other executive staff members of the existence of a disaster threat or occurrence and of any emergency actions taken, including activation of the Incident Command System; and maintain contact with executive staff, and with emergency managers in the affected jurisdiction, as appropriate.

Immediately report to the Office of the Commissioner unusual occurrences within the Region, other than natural and technological disasters, such as: failure of a segment of the State highway system and any serious resulting accidents, serious accidents involving DOT and/or contractor forces or equipment, serious incidents damaging Department facilities or delaying the traveling public, school bus accidents, incidents on the State highway system that will generate significant adverse public reaction or civil disobedience involving transportation facilities, including reporting any immediate and follow up actions taken.

Investigate the extent and severity of the disaster and provide executive staff with
timely reports on threats to life, health and public and private property, and remedial actions taken and costs incurred; and recommend to executive staff, as appropriate, the measures required to cope with and address the effects of the disaster.

Coordinate with local officials any disaster assistance rendered by federal or State agencies, or other local jurisdictions; and assist in the implementation of procedures to secure federal assistance in the event of an affirmative finding by the Federal Highway Administrator.

Depending on the regional work location of Regional Directors Transportation, there are additional responsibilities assigned:

When assigned to Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 11, positions may give approval to the New York State Thruway Authority pursuant to Section 359(4) of the Public Authorities Law, to close a bridge on the Thruway System, which carries a highway under the jurisdiction of a municipality and provides an adequate alternative detour whenever the Authority determines that the bridge requires major repair or reconstruction.

When assigned to Regions 1 through 6, positions, as necessary, provide technical support to the New York State Canal System, to the extent that such remains the responsibility of the Commissioner or the Department by virtue of law and/or agreement.

When assigned to Regions 4, 5, 8, and 10, positions may issue overweight and oversize truck permits to construction contractors working on State Parkways within their regions.

When assigned to Region 9, the position is designated as the Commissioner's Representative on and shall constitute the New York State Representative to the Interstate Bridge Commission and shall perform duties and responsibilities within the bounds of applicable rules and regulations.

When assigned to Region 11, the position may initiate Memoranda of Intent to acquire sections of the State Arterial system in New York City (Section 349-d, Highway Law) and submit such memoranda to management as part of the PS&Es for sections of the arterial system.

View the classification standard for this title which illustrates the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe.

Summary of Minimum Qualifications

Please note: qualifications for this position may be subject to change. If substitutions for education and/or experience are allowed, this information would be available on the announcement.

You must take and pass a Civil Service examination in order to be considered for this position.

The exam used to fill this position is called Promotion Opportunities in Transportation Management.  

For qualified employees of New York State, on or before the date of the examination, the candidate must be a qualified employee of the New York State Department of Transportation and have had permanent competitive service in a position allocated to M-4 or higher.

For informational purposes only, click on the examination number(s) listed below to see the current or previous examination(s) that are used to fill this title.

37-868010(New Window)

Please note: qualifications for this position may be subject to change. Job postings on StateJobsNY(External Link) will contain the most up-to-date qualifications.

How to Apply

When this examination is scheduled to be held, the announcement can be found on the Department of Civil Service, Examination Announcements web page. If you do not see an examination currently scheduled please check back on a monthly basis or sign up for email notification so that you will automatically be notified when new examinations are being offered.

Mobility Options

Career mobility is not just limited to the titles in the career ladder. Additional movement may be achieved through transfer or other examinations.

For additional information or clarification of transfer determinations, current State employees should contact the Career Mobility Office at (518) 485-6199 or (800) 553-1322.

You can also visit ELMS Online to view established open-competitive, promotion, and transition eligible lists.