Facility Operations Assnt 2 - Grade 09

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This title exists within Various New York State Agencies and has approximately 165 positions statewide.

*The number of positions is approximate and represents the number of positions established (both filled and vacant); it is not an indication or reference to position type or duration, or intent to be filled.

Career Ladder

A listing of titles that are most commonly used as steps for upward mobility for this title series.

Salary Information for Facility Operations Assnt 1
Title Grade Hiring Rate/yr Job Rate/yr
Facility Operations Assnt 1 06 $35,177 $43,521
Facility Operations Assnt 2 09 $41,399 $50,884

All salary grades for trainees titles are Non-Statutory (NS) equated to the salary grade identified. These grade equations apply to the starting salaries in their respective salary schedule for the traineeship levels.

This title may exist in more than one negotiating unit. This salary schedule represents the most typical salary for this title. Click here to view additional salary information regarding the various bargaining units.

An individual's final salary is determined by the Office of the State Comptroller. This salary schedule does not reflect any Special Salary Treatments

Job Duties

As a Facility Operations Assistant 2, you would:

Perform the duties of Facility Operations Assistants 1.

Perform routine replacement and repair of plumbing and steamfitting equipment and installation of new equipment, according to layouts provided by the supervisor, by cutting, fitting, and threading pipe; removing existing pipes and fixtures; repairing, replacing or adjusting filters, pumps, water mixers, thermostats, and other fixtures; locating and unplugging stoppages; checking oil level in storage tanks; repairing leaks in steam and water lines; overhauling vacuum pumps; and insulating steam lines.

Repair doors, windows, window sashes, storm windows, stairs, railings, furniture, locks, and door hardware.

Operate shop machinery to make and assemble bookcases, shelves, tables, benches, signs and modular furniture; erecting and moving partitions; building forms for concrete work; and under supervision, assist in erecting and renovating buildings and structures.

Repair and maintain locks by making keys, changing lock combinations, opening locks when keys are not available, installing locks, and cleaning and repairing locks.

Perform masonry repairs and installation activities such as pointing up brick and stone work, patching plaster walls, setting tiles, laying brick and stone, finishing concrete work, replacing firebrick in boilers, and operating equipment including mixers and concrete block machines.

Perform interior and exterior painting not requiring fine finish or decorative treatment; stain and finish wood and furniture, painting equipment, installs wallpaper, and spray paints surfaces and equipment.

Repair electrical equipment such as overhead door motors, vacuum cleaners and other appliances; replace brushes on large electric motors; lay and repair electrical cables and wires; install and maintain lighting fixtures, outlets, and switches; and adjust points and contacts on electrical equipment.

Perform routine semiskilled preventive maintenance on vehicles to insure safe and efficient operation such as: monitor gauges and checks fluid levels, tire pressure, safety equipment and trailer hitches; replace burned-out bulbs; pumps gas/fuel; add water to radiator, oil to engine/crank case, and air to tires as required; and changes tires and oil.

Perform semiskilled routine tasks in the repair, maintenance and servicing of automotive and mechanical equipment such as the adjustment of hydraulic brakes; replacement of wheel bearings; the removal and replacement of such components as starters, fuel pumps, water pumps, gas tanks, carburetors, exhaust system components, shock absorbers, springs and radiators and minor body work.

Perform minor engine repairs as well as tune-ups including the installation of points, plugs, condensers, and sets dwell and timing according to manufacturers' specifications.

Perform preventive maintenance inspections of vehicles and equipment by following preventive maintenance schedules to insure safe and trouble-free performance.

Assist journey-level positions in making major mechanical repairs by performing such tasks as disassembling and assembling engines, engine components or mechanical equipment, cleaning parts and inspecting for wear, and performing routine machinist activities such as grinding valves and valve seals according to specifications and specific instructions.

Cut, weld, and braze a variety of metal materials and equipment using electric or oxy-acetylene welding equipment not requiring complex planning and layout or the use of special procedures.

Operate machine tools, including lathes, shapers, milling machines, metal cutting saws, planers, and radial drill presses, to manufacture metal items, such as large bushings and special bolts, and perform the less difficult machine operations, such as threading bolts and cutting keyways.

Respond to equipment problems by solving minor ones and directing major ones to a supervisor.

Maintain written records of work performed and labor and materials used; report orally to the supervisor on the progress of projects under way.

Mix and apply fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides.

Prune and trim trees and shrubs using such equipment as climbing hooks and belts, ladders, ropes and tackles, chain and hand saws and other related tools. Performs the full range of supervisory duties such as approving leave; tracking time and attendance; identifying staff development needs; evaluating staff performance; and completing performance evaluations.

May use and operate a variety of hand and power tools and motorized equipment including self-propelled and stationary machinery.

May plan or assist in the planning of landscaping and other grounds projects by preparing rough sketches and schedules, and estimates of labor, materials and equipment.

View the classification standard for this title which illustrates the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe.

Summary of Minimum Qualifications

Please note: qualifications for this position may be subject to change. If substitutions for education and/or experience are allowed, this information would be available on the announcement.

One year as a Facility Operations Assistant 1; OR, two years of full-time, verifiable experience in custodial, grounds, or maintenance operation or assisting in a journey-level trade.  When required to operate motor vehicles, incumbents must possess a valid New York State driver's license appropriate for the type of vehicle being operated.

How to Apply

An examination is not used to fill this title. You must meet the minimum qualifications of the title in order to be considered for this position. You must apply directly to the agency or agencies that have this title.

Mobility Options

Career mobility is not just limited to the titles in the career ladder. Additional movement may be achieved through transfer or other examinations.

For additional information or clarification of transfer determinations, current State employees should contact the Career Mobility Office at (518) 485-6199 or (800) 553-1322.

You can also visit ELMS Online to view established open-competitive, promotion, and transition eligible lists.