70.1 and 52.6 Transfer Determinations

Below are titles that a Occupational Therapist can transfer into.
For information on voluntary transfers, click here.

Please keep in mind that these transfer determinations do not mean that agencies have positions available to fill.

The list(s) of approved 70.1 and/or 52.6 transfer determinations provided are subject to change.

The number of approximate positions in GOT-IT are the total positions, both filled and vacant.

Under Section 70.1

Developmental Assnt 3

Grade 17 - Approximately 405 positions

Rehab Counselor 2

Grade 19 - Approximately 367 positions

Training Specialist 1 Mental Hygiene

Grade 18 - Approximately 77 positions

Utilization Review Coord

Grade 19 - Approximately 47 positions

Residential Program Manager 2

Grade 19 - Approximately 33 positions

Rehab Counselor 2 Spanish Language

Grade 19 - Approximately 4 positions

The following titles have also been approved for transfer under Section 70.1, however, special qualifications are needed.
Registered Nurse 1 - Grade 18 - Approximately 2549 positions
Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric - Grade 18 - Approximately 2259 positions
Licensed Master Social Worker - Grade 20 - Approximately 1994 positions
Registered Nurse 2 Psychiatric - Grade 20 - Approximately 513 positions
Registered Nurse 2 Community - Grade 20 - Approximately 398 positions
Speech-Language Pathologist - Grade 20 - Approximately 99 positions
Physical Therapist - Grade 20 - Approximately 92 positions
Licensed Master Social Worker Spanish Language - Grade 20 - Approximately 60 positions
Occupational Therapist Supervisor 1 - Grade 22 - Approximately 20 positions
Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric Spanish Language - Grade 18 - Approximately 14 positions
Licensed Master Social Worker Chinese Language - Grade 20 - Approximately 11 positions
Social Work Assnt 1 Spanish Language - Grade 14 - Approximately 9 positions
Developmental Specialist 3 - Grade 19 - Approximately 8 positions
Training Specialist 1 Nursing - Grade 18 - Approximately 7 positions
Audiologist - Grade 20 - Approximately 7 positions
Licensed Master Social Worker Korean Language - Grade 20 - Approximately 4 positions
Registered Nurse 2 Community Spanish Language - Grade 20 - Approximately 3 positions
Graduate Occupational Therapist - Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position
Licensed Master Social Worker Manual Communication - Grade 20 - Approximately 1 position

Under Section 52.6

Please note that the listing below reflects 52.6 eligible titles within two salary grades or one M-grade of the title you selected. 52.6 transfers may also occur to any lower-level 52.6 eligible title, provided you meet the transfer criteria, including any special qualifications required for the title. To find additional lower level titles that have been deemed 52.6 eligible, you may search the Title and Salary Plan Search Engine, and select "Yes" under the 52.6 selection field, and the requested salary range. If you have questions regarding your transfer eligibility, please Contact CMO.

There are no 52.6 transfer determinations for the title Occupational Therapist.

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