Senr Librarian - Grade 19

Positions in this title can be hired through NY HELPS(New Window)

GOT-IT does not provide information on any job postings or job availability. For information on current job postings, please visit StateJobsNY(External Link). You may also visit specific New York State Agency websites(External Link) for information about an agency and its job opportunities.


This title exists within Various New York State Agencies and has approximately 80 positions statewide.

*The number of positions is approximate and represents the number of positions established (both filled and vacant); it is not an indication or reference to position type or duration, or intent to be filled.

Career Ladder

A listing of titles that are most commonly used as steps for upward mobility for this title series.

Salary Information for Librarian 1
Title Grade Hiring Rate/yr Job Rate/yr
Librarian 1 15 $55,152 $70,317
Librarian 2 17 $61,516 $78,307
Senr Librarian 19 $68,523 $87,032
Senr Librarian Automation 19 $68,523 $87,032
Senr Librarian Reference 19 $68,523 $87,032
Senr Librarian Law 19 $68,523 $87,032
Senr Librarian Technical Processes 19 $68,523 $87,032
Assoc Librarian 25 $93,530 $117,875
Assoc Librarian Automation 25 $93,530 $117,875
Assoc Librarian Technical Processes 25 $93,530 $117,875
Assoc Librarian Blind 25 $93,530 $117,875
Assoc Librarian Conservation 25 $93,530 $117,875
Assoc Librarian Reference 25 $93,530 $117,875
Prin Librarian Technical Processes 29 $114,976 $140,815
Prin Librarian Reference 29 $114,976 $140,815
Prin Librarian Collection Mgt & Network Srvs 64 $123,793 $156,224

All salary grades for trainees titles are Non-Statutory (NS) equated to the salary grade identified. These grade equations apply to the starting salaries in their respective salary schedule for the traineeship levels.

This title may exist in more than one negotiating unit. This salary schedule represents the most typical salary for this title. Click here to view additional salary information regarding the various bargaining units.

An individual's final salary is determined by the Office of the State Comptroller. This salary schedule does not reflect any Special Salary Treatments

Job Duties

As a Senior Librarian, you would:

Plan and develop services for library clientele.

Based on available resources, determine priorities in terms of material to be purchased, staff to be employed, and special services to be made available.

Establish policies and procedures governing library services.

Prepare written budget requests for the library.

Determine the extent of the services to be available based on the needs of the library users and the resources available.

Determine the physical layout of the library, including location and arrangement of books and materials, special reference areas, and reading and work areas.

Manage and evaluate services provided by the library.

Supervise subordinate professional and clerical staff by making assignments, observing their work activity, and reviewing reports, indexes, and catalogues prepared.

Confer with library users to determine the extent to which library services meet their needs.

Review the use of materials to determine whether materials are being utilized and to determine future acquisitions.

Select and acquire library materials.

Establish policies governing the selection and acquisition of library materials in consultation with library users or an agency library committee within available fiscal resources.

Review available books, periodicals, and tapes or critical reviews of them to screen those best suited for the library.

Review requests for the purchase of library materials within the framework of stated needs, availability of fiscal resources and the priorities established for the services in the library.

In cooperation with library users and agency administrators, establish priorities in terms of services to be offered and materials to be purchased.

Arrange for rotating collections with local and school libraries, the State Library and the inter-library loan services.

Acquire library materials and funds made available under certain conditions from community organizations, federal aid grants, regional libraries, and the general public in order to assist in meeting library needs.

Classify, catalogue, and index library material.

Establish policies for the library governing classification, cataloging, and indexing.

Assign materials to proper places using an established classification system such as the Dewey Decimal System or Library of Congress System.

Catalogue material using established rules and reference works to identify its unique features, to describe it bibliographically and to integrate it with the rest of the collection.

Assign subject headings by determining subject material dealt with and selecting standard subject headings which best indicate the subject matter.

Index special collections or material of special interest to the library clientele to provide a more detailed listing of the contents of the material.

Provide reference, searching, bibliographic, and reader assistance services to the library clientele.

Establish policies concerning the type and extent of these services.

Explain physical layout of the library, types of material available and procedures for obtaining material.

Explain the use of various library tools such as catalogues, indexes, bibliographies, and standard reference books.

Answer questions from clientele which require the searching of material within the library and from outside sources.

Compile bibliographies at the request of clientele ranging from a short list of material pertinent to the subject matter to a long list of technical material with annotations describing and evaluating material.

Maintain bibliographies in areas of special interests to clientele or agencies.

Supervise and train subordinate staff of paid professional and clerical workers and volunteer and resident workers where they are employed.

Interview applicants for positions and select individuals best suited for work in the library.

Explain to staff the layout of the library, the use of standard library tools and materials, library services offered and library operating policies.

Assign work to staff according to their qualifications, providing instruction and advice.

Determine work priorities and deadlines.

Review work in progress and at its completion for adherence to instructions, policy, and deadlines.

View the classification standard for this title which illustrates the nature, extent and scope of duties and responsibilities of the classes they describe.

Summary of Minimum Qualifications

For informational purposes only, click on the examination number(s) listed below to see the current or previous examination(s) that are used to fill this title.

28-064010(New Window)

Please note: qualifications for this position may be subject to change. Job postings on StateJobsNY(External Link) will contain the most up-to-date qualifications.

How to Apply

All HELP and NY HELPS open positions are now posted on StateJobsNY(External Link). It is now even easier for Jobseekers to find openings and connect with New York State agencies.

To narrow your search to NY HELPS jobs, click on "For the General Public", then "Search Vacancies", and select "Yes" on the NY HELPS dropdown to narrow your search to NY HELPS jobs.

Directions to apply will be specified on each individual job posting.

Mobility Options

Career mobility is not just limited to the titles in the career ladder. Additional movement may be achieved through transfer or other examinations.

For additional information or clarification of transfer determinations, current State employees should contact the Career Mobility Office at (518) 485-6199 or (800) 553-1322.

You can also visit ELMS Online to view established open-competitive, promotion, and transition eligible lists.