Higher Education Services Corp

Titles included in the NY HELPS(New Window) program will clearly be identified.

http://www.hesc.com/content.nsf(New Window)

109 titles in this agency.

Approximately 492 positions* in this agency.

The New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) is the most comprehensive State student aid program in the nation. It was established by the state Legislature to provide centralized administration for government-sponsored, postsecondary student financial aid. HESC administers a variety of grant, scholarship, special award and loan programs, and a student counseling and mentoring program for students in postsecondary education. Additionally, HESC co-administers the New York State College Tuition Savings Program. The dollar volume of loans guaranteed by HESC ($1,658,200,000), along with New York State's Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), provide more than $620 million annually to approximately 332,000 students attending colleges and universities.

* The number of approximate positions in GOT-IT are the total positions, both filled and vacant.

Agency Titles