Division of Housing & Comm Renewal

Titles included in the NY HELPS program will clearly be identified.

Agency Titles

Accountant Aide - NY HELPS

Grade 13 - Approximately 1 position

Admnv Assistant 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 11 - Approximately 29 positions

Admnv Assistant 1 Spanish L - NY HELPS

Grade 11 - Approximately 1 position

Admnv Assistant 2

Grade 15 - Approximately 10 positions

Admnv Specialist 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 5 positions

Admnv Specialist 2

Grade 23 - Approximately 2 positions

Architect 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 24 - Approximately 5 positions

Architect 2

Grade 27 - Approximately 5 positions

Artist Designer 1

Grade 08 - Approximately 1 position

Assnt Architect - NY HELPS

Grade 20 - Approximately 2 positions

Assnt Dir Architecture & Engi…

Grade M-3 - Approximately 1 position

Assnt Engineer Civil/Structur… - NY HELPS

Grade 20 - Approximately 1 position

Assnt Office Services Manager - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 2 positions

Assnt Supt Of Construction - NY HELPS

Grade 15 - Approximately 1 position

Assoc Accountant

Grade 23 - Approximately 13 positions

Assoc Admnv Analyst

Grade 23 - Approximately 3 positions

Assoc Attorney

Grade 28 - Approximately 29 positions

Assoc Budgeting Analyst

Grade 23 - Approximately 2 positions

Assoc Counsel

Grade 28 - Approximately 3 positions

Assoc Dir Human Resources 2

Grade M-2 - Approximately 1 position

Assoc Dir Training 1

Grade M-1 - Approximately 1 position

Assoc Landscape Architect

Grade 27 - Approximately 1 position

Assoc Supt Construction

Grade 23 - Approximately 1 position

Auditor 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 6 positions

Auditor 2

Grade 23 - Approximately 1 position

Chief Budgeting Analyst

Grade M-2 - Approximately 1 position

Compliance Specialist 1

Grade 18 - Approximately 2 positions

Contract Management Specialis… - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 3 positions

Contract Management Specialis…

Grade 23 - Approximately 3 positions

Contract Management Specialis…

Grade 27 - Approximately 1 position

Dir Architetcure and Engineer…

Grade M-4 - Approximately 1 position

Dir Financial Admn 4

Grade M-4 - Approximately 1 position

Dir Human Resources 4

Grade M-4 - Approximately 1 position

Dir Internal Audit & Quality …

Grade M-3 - Approximately 1 position

Disaster Preparedness Program… - NY HELPS

Grade 23 - Approximately 1 position

Empire Fellow

Grade NS - Approximately 7 positions

Energy Conservation Technical… - NY HELPS

Grade 23 - Approximately 3 positions

Environmental Analyst 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 3 positions

Environmental Analyst 2

Grade 23 - Approximately 3 positions

Environmental Analyst 3

Grade 27 - Approximately 1 position

Facility Operations Assnt 1

Grade 06 - Approximately 15 positions

Graphic Designer 1

Grade 14 - Approximately 1 position

Head Clerk

Grade 17 - Approximately 1 position

Hearing Officer 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 25 - Approximately 2 positions

Hearing Officer 2

Grade 27 - Approximately 1 position

Housing & Community Renewal M…

Grade 27 - Approximately 30 positions

Housing & Community Renewal M…

Grade M-3 - Approximately 11 positions

Housing & Community Renewal M…

Grade M-5 - Approximately 1 position

Housing & Community Renewal M…

Grade M-2 - Approximately 1 position

Housing & Community Renewal S… - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 158 positions

Housing & Community Renewal S… - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 10 positions

Housing & Community Renewal S…

Grade 23 - Approximately 93 positions

Human Resources Specialist 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 6 positions

Human Resources Specialist 2

Grade 23 - Approximately 2 positions

Human Resources Specialist 2 …

Grade 23 - Approximately 2 positions

Internal Auditor 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 2 positions

Internal Auditor 2

Grade 23 - Approximately 2 positions

Internal Auditor 3

Grade 27 - Approximately 1 position

Investigator 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 14 - Approximately 2 positions

Investigator 2 Rent Administr…

Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position

Landscape Architect - NY HELPS

Grade 20 - Approximately 1 position

Legal Assnt 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 14 - Approximately 1 position

Legal Assnt 2 - NY HELPS

Grade 17 - Approximately 6 positions

Minority Business Spec 2

Grade 23 - Approximately 1 position

Motor Vehicle Operator

Grade 07 - Approximately 2 positions

Office Assnt 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 06 - Approximately 34 positions

Office Assnt 1 Keyboarding - NY HELPS

Grade 06 - Approximately 70 positions

Office Assnt 1 Stores/Mail - NY HELPS

Grade 06 - Approximately 5 positions

Office Assnt 2 - NY HELPS

Grade 09 - Approximately 25 positions

Office Assnt 2 Calculations - NY HELPS

Grade 09 - Approximately 8 positions

Office Assnt 2 Keyboarding - NY HELPS

Grade 09 - Approximately 21 positions

Office Assnt 2 Stores/Mail - NY HELPS

Grade 09 - Approximately 1 position

Office Assnt 3

Grade 14 - Approximately 7 positions

Office Assnt 3 Calculations

Grade 14 - Approximately 3 positions

Office Srvs Manager

Grade 23 - Approximately 1 position

Prin Accountant

Grade 27 - Approximately 3 positions

Prin Attorney

Grade M-5 - Approximately 3 positions

Print Equipment Operator 1

Grade 06 - Approximately 1 position

Professional Engineer 1 Mecha… - NY HELPS

Grade 24 - Approximately 1 position

Professional Engineer 2 Civil…

Grade 27 - Approximately 1 position

Professional Engineer 2 Elect…

Grade 27 - Approximately 1 position

Professional Engineer 2 Mecha…

Grade 27 - Approximately 2 positions

Program Aide - NY HELPS

Grade 13 - Approximately 3 positions

Program Research Specialist 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 4 positions

Program Research Specialist 2 - NY HELPS

Grade 23 - Approximately 4 positions

Project Manager 2 - NY HELPS

Grade 23 - Approximately 1 position

Project Manager 3

Grade 25 - Approximately 1 position

Project Manager 4

Grade 27 - Approximately 1 position

Project Manager 5

Grade 29 - Approximately 1 position

Public Information Specialist… - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position

Rent Examiner 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 09 - Approximately 49 positions

Rent Examiner 2 - NY HELPS

Grade 14 - Approximately 161 positions

Rent Examiner 2 Spanish Langu… - NY HELPS

Grade 14 - Approximately 2 positions

Rent Examiner 3

Grade 18 - Approximately 39 positions

Rent Examiner 3 Spanish Langu…

Grade 18 - Approximately 4 positions

Rental Housing Inspector 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 14 - Approximately 11 positions

Rental Housing Inspector 1 Sp… - NY HELPS

Grade 14 - Approximately 2 positions

Rental Housing Inspector 2

Grade 18 - Approximately 5 positions

Rental Housing Inspector 2 Sp…

Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position

Rental Housing Inspector 3

Grade 23 - Approximately 2 positions

Senr Accountant - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 45 positions

Senr Admnv Analyst - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 2 positions

Senr Attorney - NY HELPS

Grade 25 - Approximately 55 positions

Senr Budgeting Analyst - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 3 positions

Senr Landscape Architect - NY HELPS

Grade 24 - Approximately 1 position

Senr Purchasing Agent

Grade 23 - Approximately 1 position

Senr Supt Construction - NY HELPS

Grade 19 - Approximately 7 positions

Stores & Mail Operations Supe…

Grade 12 - Approximately 2 positions

Supvg Accountant

Grade 25 - Approximately 2 positions

Supvg Attorney

Grade M-4 - Approximately 7 positions

Supvg Budgeting Analyst

Grade M-1 - Approximately 1 position

Training Specialist 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 4 positions

Training Specialist 2

Grade 23 - Approximately 1 position


113 titles in this agency.

Approximately 1122 positions* in this agency.

The Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) seeks to preserve and expand affordable housing, home ownership and economic opportunities, and to provide equal access to safe, decent, and affordable housing. DHCR oversees the State's public and publicly assisted housing portfolio, administers rent regulations for rent control/stabilized housing, provides funding for housing construction and rehabilitation, administers housing and community preservation programs, and partners with grassroots groups engaged in housing and community development.

* The number of approximate positions in GOT-IT are the total positions, both filled and vacant.