Office of Comptroller

Titles included in the NY HELPS(New Window) program will clearly be identified. Window)

256 titles in this agency.

Approximately 4541 positions* in this agency.

The Department of Audit and Control, also known as the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC), is headed by the State Comptroller, who is elected by the people of New York State every four years. The duties of the State's chief fiscal officer are carried out by this Department. The Department audits the payment and collection of all State monies, prescribes accounting methods for State agencies, and approves all contracts of more than $10,000. The Department also directs activities relating to State debt, investments, banking operations, and unclaimed funds; provides legal opinions and services to municipal officers on fiscal questions; audits the programs of State agencies, public authorities, and New York City; supervises the accounts and fiscal affairs of all cities, counties, towns, villages, and special districts; and administers the State and municipal employees pension system, except for the New York State Teachers and the New York City municipal workers' pension systems.

* The number of approximate positions in GOT-IT are the total positions, both filled and vacant.

Agency Titles